We launched our first big project of the year Friday, September 2nd: Off to Blue Jay Point! We are very excited to say that we will be going on an overnight field trip to Blue Jay Point County Park October 6-8th! Blue Jay Point offers a beautiful park, lodge facility and education center right in our own backyard. The park allows us to stay at a very reduced cost as long as we teach our students about environmental education. You can learn more about this amazing park at: Blue Jay Point County Park | Wake County Government (wakegov.com)

The students walked into the project room to find that we had four guest speakers. First Mr. Paul Huffman, a Raleigh area scout leader and an eagle scout himself, presented information from a hiking trip that he went on with two of his sons to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. They hiked 100 miles in 10 days! Ask Damion Huffman sometime about the rattlesnake they encountered along the way! Damion also had the opportunity to present his own personal Eagle Scout award memorabilia.

Next followed a presentation by Mr. Rick Zobel and Drew Zobel to discuss fishing on Falls Lake. Each presented a different style of fishing: Mr. Zobel showed Fly Fishing and Drew demonstrated bait fishing. This will be the first year we will be going fishing with the students. If you or your child wants to try fishing at Blue Jay Point, you will need to get a temporary fishing license. It costs $9 for 10 days. Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses (ncwildlife.org)

Several of the teachers were dressed for Blue Jay Point, including Mr. Terrence who was rocking some flannel! Mr. Ethan brought his hiking pack and compared it to Mr. Huffman’s while Mrs. Zobel dressed in comfy pajamas demonstrating the wide variety of activities that will be available. Mrs. Stanley (our safety officer) had her sunscreen, hat and bug spray. Mrs. Soberanes rounded out the group with her backpack. She was sporting a Disney Princess sleeping bag and a s’mores pillow.
Keep your eyes open for more information regarding Blue Jay Point! A survey and email with LOTS of details was sent home on Wednesday!!