Is your child struggling with any of the following at school and/or home?
- Getting easily frustrated;
- Meltdowns;
- Regulating strong emotions;
- Understanding other people’s points of view;
- Compromising;
- Understanding and following rules;
- Cooperating with others;
- Thinking before acting;
- Problem-solving age appropriate situations?
Never fear – You are not alone! WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK!

Dynamic is launching a new developmental therapy service to provide one-on-one and group behavioral support to students demonstrating non-desired behaviors at school and/or home. Services include affordable student therapy, in-classroom behavior support, as well as consultation and coaching for parents, teachers, and other professionals with our new Masters-level Behavior Specialist and Parent Coach, Ms. Laura Gabrieli!
- Free 30-min initial consultation
- Parent Coaching
- Behavior Therapy
- Classroom Targeted Behavioral Support
Are your student’s needs more on the social side? Check this out:
Miss Laura is also a certified PEERS® facilitator. But what does that mean? PEERS® is world-renowned for providing evidence-based social skills treatment to adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and other socio-emotional problems.
The UCLA PEERS® Clinic’s groundbreaking research has been featured on numerous national and international media outlets, including People Magazine, USA Today, the LA Times, Washington Post, CBS, and NBC. Learn more about The UCLA PEERS® Clinic at
During each focused session, participants will be taught social skills through didactic lessons and role play demonstrations, and will then be given opportunities to practice these skills during fun socialization activities.
Note that both Behavioral Support and Social Skills Classes are eligible expenses for the ESA+ grant! So there’s no excuse… REACH OUT TODAY!
Interested in taking advantage of any of our new offerings? Just send an email to give us a little info about your situation… we’ll then connect you with Miss Laura to get the ball rolling! We hope to see your student around the new Dynamic Resource Room real soon!