Welcome to our Folktale, Fairytale, and Fable unit!!! This is one of the first projects that we have organized by our homeroom classes. Each class is required to choose at least 2 fairytales and to read them. They then will be writing their own fractured or “twisted” version of the story.

On Monday, our teachers surprised us for Launch Day by dressing up as their favorite folktale characters. Some of them were hilarious, as you can see! The rest of the week was spent choosing two fairytales to combine for our ultimate Project Finale, which will be a master book of twisted fairytales!

The STEAM room has decided to do a True Crime version of the “Three Little Pigs” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We are excited to see where the students lead us as Goldi and the Wolf go on a crime spree!
The IMAGINEERS class has decided to do an underwater version of “Jack and the Beanstalk”, with the main character being a mermaid named Jackie-Beans! Stayed tuned to see what happens as Jackie climbs a giant seaweed stalk and what she finds at the top!
In the BLUE room, we are reading “The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza” and “Little Red Riding Hood”. Our twisted fairy tale is a spin on both of these books: “Little Red Riding Hood Makes a Pancake.” Students are excited to read these books!
In the CREATIVE ARTS class we are mashing up two classic stories, “Peter Pan” and “Pinocchio” . The kids have come up with some creative, wacky, funny, and great ideas that we cannot wait to share with you.