From Cooking to Tools to Sports, this summer we’ve got it all! REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER CAMPS OPENS APRIL 1st AT 8am! To enroll in any of our summer camps, please head on over to to browse and “purchase” your student’s seat. Camp hours this year are 9am-3pm, with aftercare services provided until 5:00pm except for the Dynamic’s Outdoors at BJP! camp.
Our summer camps are extended learning experiences exclusively for youth with unique abilities, and are eligible for NCSEAA grant funding! If you want to use your Spring ESA+ funds to pay for camp, just use Coupon Code “ESA+” at checkout and proceed through the entire checkout process. Roxanne will then send you a manual invoice to submit to Class Wallet under category “Educational Therapy”. Remember that ESA+ funds cannot be used to pay for AfterCare services, so you will be asked to pay for those fees upon checkout.
If you have any summer camp-related questions, email the office at For a peek into this year’s camps, please see below:
Cooking with Chef Carly!
Session 1 (June 24-28; 9am-3pm)
Session 2 (July 22-26; 9am-3pm)

It’s ToolTime! (July 8-12; 9am-3pm) $400

Dynamic’s Outdoors @ BJP! (July 15-18) $400