And all of a sudden, there it was! August 29th was upon us… it was so good to be back at Dynamic Opportunities, sharing fun stories of our summers with our old friends and meeting/making lots of new friends as well! This year, we had 10 new students join the Dynamic Family, so there was no shortage of new faces and personalities to get to know. Monday, we spent the day getting introduced to our new classrooms and the “rules of the road”. Man, do our teachers have high expectations for us all! Tuesday was all about learning our new schedule for each day. Did you know our teachers come to us for each different class? It’s really cool… they travel from room to room with their tool carts! Wednesday and Thursday we continued exploring our academic subject areas, and on Friday – Project Launch Day – we learned that we’ll be visiting Blue Jay Point County Park October 6, 7, and 8th! All in all, it was a fantastic week…